Make a property more attractive through energy requalification works: what advantages?

The line promoted by European governments, including the Italian one, aimed to achieve the objective of energy and ecological transition with zero emissions by 2050, as indicated by the European climate law. There are three key points to explain article 7 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda:

  • increase energy production from renewable sources in a sustainable way;
  • reduce production costs to make energy more accessible;
  • use less electricity through greater energy efficiency.

Energy requalification, therefore, consists in carrying out a series of building and non-building, functional and structural interventions on a building with the aim:

  • to reduce polluting emissions as much as possible;
  • to contain expenditures;
  • to improve energy efficiency (minimum consumption, maximum efficiency).

These  interventions are potentially advantageous because they are good for our pocket, good for the environment, good for health and good for the economy. But it is also good for aesthetics, since new systems (such as solar thermal) are increasingly customizable, depending on the architectural structure and decoration, and less intrusive.

What are the energy requalification works?

  • Installing solar panels.
  • The replacement of existing winter air conditioning systems with systems equipped with condensing boilers (with an energy class of at least A).
  • Works to reduce energy requirements for heating, perhaps with the installation of winter air conditioning systems with heat generators powered by combustible biomass.

The advantages of energy requalification:

  • For private individuals: energy requalification interventions lead to important savings on energy costs. A more efficient building uses less energy for heating, cooling and lighting, thus reducing energy bills. Furthermore, incentives for the energy requalification of buildings offer a further economic stimulus, making the interventions more accessible and advantageous
  • For the community: at community level, energy requalification contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, a fundamental step in the fight against climate change. By improving the energy efficiency of buildings, the overall demand for energy is reduced, which in turn decreases the dependence on fossil and non-renewable energy sources.
  • Real estate value: real estate redevelopment that includes the energy aspect increases the value of buildings. Energy-renovated properties are more attractive on the market, both for sale and for rent, thanks to their high standards of comfort and sustainability.